2024 Developer Survey

7 Methodology

Survey metadata and notes.

7.1 General

65,437 responses from 185 countries are used in these survey results.

An attention check question, a consent question and the question asking "Which of the following options best describes you today?" were all used as qualifiers in the responses we kept for analysis. ~20K responses were not used.

48,019 responses were used to provide aggregated salary information.

The survey was fielded from May 19, 2024 to June 20, 2024.

The median time spent on the survey for qualified responses was almost 21 minutes, an increase we expected this year because of additional questions asked.

Respondents were recruited primarily through channels owned by Stack Overflow. The top sources of respondents were onsite messaging, blog posts, email/newsletter subscribers, banner ads, and social media posts. Since respondents were recruited in this way, highly-engaged users on Stack Overflow were more likely to notice the prompts to take the survey over the duration of the collection promotion.

We converted salaries from user currencies to USD using the exchange rate on June 11, 2024.

Some questions that are multi-select for the available choices have switched to be displayed as a percentage of total unique responses instead of total frequency of responses this year.

7.2 Feedback

7.3 Participants

Who participated in this survey

Which of the following options best describes you today? For the purpose of this survey, a developer is "someone who writes code".*
Unknow graph to-do I am a dev by profession76.7%I am not primarily a dev, but…10%I am learning to code5.9%I code primarily as a hobby5.1%I used to be a dev by professi…2.3%
Responses: 65,437 (100%)