2024 Developer Survey

2 Technology

Each year we explore the tools and technologies developers are currently using and the ones they want to use.

This year, we included new questions about embedded technology tools and industry-sourced, community-vetted technology options.

2.2 Admired and Desired

Programming, scripting, and markup languages

JavaScript, Python and SQL are all highly-desired and admired programming languages, but Rust continues to be the most-admired programming language with an 83% score this year.

Which programming, scripting, and markup languages have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the language and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
Desired and Admired to-do 0.4%54.4%Zephyr0.7%23.5%Prolog0.7%26.2%Cobol0.7%42.8%Apex0.7%47.4%Crystal0.9%28.4%Fortran0.9%50.5%Nim1%41.9%Delphi1.1%40.2%Ada1.2%26.3%Objective-C1.3%24.9%VBA1.4%32.8%Perl1.5%30.5%Groovy1.6%21.7%MATLAB1.6%51.5%Solidity1.7%24.7%Visual Basic 1.8%48.6%MicroPython1.8%53.1%OCaml1.9%57.7%Erlang2.1%61.7%Julia2.1%57.3%Lisp2.2%53.1%F#2.3%68.4%Clojure2.8%65.2%GDScript3%50.9%Scala3.7%41.3%R3.7%53.1%Haskell4.7%50.1%Ruby4.9%76.8%Elixir5.1%43.6%Assembly5.6%52.6%Lua6.2%73.8%Zig6.2%55%Dart6.5%63.3%Swift7.2%43.3%PowerShell9.6%43.8%PHP12.3%60.9%Kotlin13.9%47.4%C17.9%47.6%Java18.3%53.1%C++21.6%64.1%C#23%62.6%Bash/Shell 23.1%67.7%Go28.7%82.2%Rust33.8%69.5%TS34.6%62.4%HTML/CSS37.4%67.4%SQL39.8%58.3%JS41.9%67.6%PYAdmiredDesired
Responses: 60,100 (91.8%)


SQLite increased its desired score this year to become wanted by more developers than MySQL compared to last year, increasing from 23% to 27%.

If you're curious about SQLite, listen to our podcast interview with the creator.

Which database environments have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the database and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
Desired and Admired to-do 0.5%41.5%RavenDB0.5%48.8%TiDB0.7%55.1%Presto0.8%54.9%EventStoreDB0.8%32%Couchbase0.8%70.7%Datomic0.9%26.9%IBM DB20.9%39.6%Firebird1.1%41.8%Solr1.3%31.5%Couch DB1.4%23.3%Microsoft Access2.1%42.4%H22.2%44.9%InfluxDB2.3%46%Cockroachdb2.5%49.1%Databricks SQL2.6%58.4%Clickhouse3%69.2%DuckDB3.1%46.4%Neo4J3.5%50.2%Cosmos DB3.6%51.2%Snowflake4.2%52.1%Cloud Firestore4.8%36.4%Cassandra5.1%46.1%Firebase Realtime Database5.2%50.8%BigQuery5.3%37.6%Oracle5.9%60.4%Supabase6.9%49.7%Dynamodb11.6%55.8%MariaDB12.2%49.8%Elasticsearch15.4%54.5%Microsoft SQL Server21.1%67%Redis21.9%55.4%MongoDB24.6%52.5%MySQL26.8%62.7%SQLite47.1%74.5%PostgreSQLAdmiredDesired
Responses: 51,992 (79.5%)

Cloud platforms

Hetzner is the most-admired cloud platform for the second year in a row with a 75% admire score, rising from their 70% score last year.

Which cloud platforms have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the platform and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
Desired and Admired to-do 0.8%62.5%Colocation0.9%55.6%Scaleway1.4%40.3%IBM Cloud Or Watson1.4%40.9%Alibaba Cloud1.5%51.1%Vultr2.1%41.6%PythonAnywhere2.1%49%OpenStack2.2%50.2%Render2.4%55.1%OVH2.4%62.6%Managed Hosting2.5%52%OpenShift2.7%54.9%Databricks2.9%56.3%Oracle Cloud Infra. 3.5%55.2%Linode3.8%39.1%VMware3.9%61.7%Fly.io4%25.8%Heroku5.2%49.4%Netlify5.3%62.8%Supabase5.6%74.6%Hetzner10.4%56.6%Digital Ocean10.6%59.4%Vercel11.8%54.8%Firebase15.8%68.2%Cloudflare23.4%55.6%Google Cloud24.9%59.9%Microsoft Azure43.4%63.3%Amazon Web Services AdmiredDesired
Responses: 45,711 (69.9%)

Web frameworks and technologies

73% of developers that used it want to keep working with Svelte. Fun fact: Our team at Stack Overflow used Svelte for the first time in building our 2024 Developer Survey results site. We could go on and on about Svelte, listen to us do just that in a interview with one of our own.

Which web frameworks and web technologies have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the framework and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
Desired and Admired to-do 0.6%34.1%Yii 20.7%39.5%Play Framework0.8%30%CodeIgniter0.9%28.5%Drupal1%24.7%Gatsby1.4%52.4%Elm1.5%43.4%Strapi2.4%56.1%Fastify2.5%54.6%Symfony2.8%56.7%Remix3.5%83.7%Phoenix3.6%67%Solid.js4.2%56.5%Deno4.2%23.1%AngularJS4.7%60.2%Nuxt.js4.8%72.2%Astro5%55.4%Ruby on Rails5.5%34.5%WordPress6.4%61.2%Blazor6.5%60.8%NestJS6.6%56.4%Laravel7%41.6%ASP.NET8.9%46.1%Flask9.1%35.7%jQuery9.3%72.9%Htmx10.9%64.9%FastAPI10.9%62.3%Spring Boot11.3%50.7%Django11.5%72.8%Svelte11.9%53.1%Express13.9%53.4%Angular14.7%72%ASP.NET CORE16.3%60.2%Vue.js18.2%59.5%Next.js31.8%64.2%Node.js33.4%62.2%ReactAdmiredDesired
Responses: 47,707 (72.9%)

Embedded Technologies

New to the survey this year, Cargo comes in with a very weighty 83% admire score.

Which embedded systems and technologies have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the framework and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
Desired and Admired to-do 0.6%54.5%CUTE0.7%48.2%build20.9%39.7%SCons1.2%70.9%ZMK1.2%49.2%Boost.Test1.3%63%doctest1.3%55.7%Micronaut1.5%49.3%cppunit1.6%37.2%QMake1.8%65%Catch22.9%53.5%Meson4.6%66.4%PlatformIO5.2%50%MSVC6.5%61.1%Ninja16.3%73.2%LLVM's Clang18.4%83%Cargo18.5%51.6%CMake22.8%68.3%GNU GCC32.7%59.5%Arduino48.4%74.3%Rasberry PiAdmiredDesired
Responses: 27,454 (42%)

Other frameworks and libraries

Ruff is a new addition to technologies listed in the survey this year, and developers love it: 84% of those that use Ruff want to continue using it.

Which other frameworks and libraries have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the framework and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
Desired and Admired to-do 0.5%26.9%MFC1%23.9%Cordova1.6%68%Tidyverse1.6%64.2%mlflow1.7%54.2%Capacitor1.7%55.4%JAX1.8%20.1%Xamarin1.9%69.6%Ktor2%73.9%Roslyn2%39.6%Ionic2.1%62.1%Quarkus2.7%48%DirectX2.9%53.6%OpenCL3%36.2%Hadoop3%47%GTK3.1%84.1%Ruff4.8%60%Keras5.5%53.1%.NET MAUI5.7%73.8%Tauri6.2%57.2%Apache Spark6.3%46.5%Qt6.4%33.7%.NET Framework 7%41.4%Electron7.1%72.6%Hugging Face Transformers7.1%68.1%SwiftUI8.4%55.9%OpenGL8.7%60.3%Opencv9.1%62.8%CUDA9.5%63.7%Spring Framework9.9%66.6%Scikit-Learn11.7%56.5%React Native12.3%60%RabbitMQ12.4%60.6%Flutter13.2%63.9%Apache Kafka15.5%57.8%TensorFlow15.5%69.7%Torch/PyTorch17.7%65.6%Pandas18.2%67.9%Numpy21.9%71.1%.NET AdmiredDesired
Responses: 45,166 (69%)

Other tools

Docker users have elevated this tool to most-admired (78%) this year along with being most-desired for the second year in a row.

Which developer tools for compiling, building and testing have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the technology and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
Desired and Admired to-do 0.8%28.1%Chef1%35.6%Puppet1.2%58%Dagger1.2%30.9%Ant1.8%63.4%Pulumi3%62.5%Google Test3.3%63.2%Ninja4.3%72.4%Nix4.9%45.9%Chocolatey5.3%46%Unity 3D5.6%72.8%Pacman5.7%53.9%Unreal Engine6%61.7%Composer6%67.1%Podman6.7%73.7%Godot7.2%61.4%MSBuild7.2%76.1%Bun7.7%70.2%APT7.9%59%Ansible8.3%68.1%pnpm8.5%39%Webpack9.5%54.8%Maven 9.9%52.7%Gradle11.1%51%Yarn11.5%69.3%Visual Studio Solution11.5%67.6%NuGet11.7%65.9%Terraform13.8%60.2%Make16.4%69.8%Homebrew18.6%76.6%Vite21.3%62.2%Pip25%72.4%Kubernetes31.2%59.8%npm49.5%77.5%DockerAdmiredDesired
Responses: 53,727 (82.1%)

Integrated development environment

Visual Studio Code is the most-desired (and used) IDE tool (59%) for developers but the most-admired is Neovim (83%).

Which development environments did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Please check all that apply.
Desired and Admired to-do 0.4%45.6%Spacemacs0.7%48.6%Geany0.7%59.7%BBEdit0.7%21.3%Code::Blocks0.8%60.6%Rad Studio 0.9%42.6%Spyder1%25.2%Netbeans1.1%61.1%RubyMine1.4%64.3%Kate1.7%43.4%Fleet1.7%41.9%Qt Creator1.8%49%RStudio1.9%68.6%Helix3.4%30.1%Eclipse3.4%69.3%Goland3.6%57.4%CLion3.7%67.3%Emacs3.8%69.3%IPython4.3%63.1%PhpStorm4.3%73%DataGrip4.5%65.4%VSCodium5.5%73.4%Rider5.8%60.1%Nano6.3%65%WebStorm6.5%54.9%Sublime Text6.8%49.5%Xcode9.7%63.3%Jupyter Notebook/JupyterLab10.7%49.8%Android Studio11.3%63.8%PyCharm13.9%82.7%Neovim15.4%62.8%Notepad++16.6%69.2%Vim19.2%61.3%Visual Studio20.3%68.4%IntelliJ IDEA58.7%77.2%Visual Studio CodeAdmiredDesired
Responses: 57,940 (88.5%)

Asynchronous tools

Markdown wins the popularity contest with developers this year! Not only do users say they admire it more this year than last (84% vs. 82%), but Markdown also received the highest admired score of all technologies on our survey this year.

Which collaborative work management and/or code documentation tools did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Select all that apply
Desired and Admired to-do 0.5%33.1%Smartsheet0.7%56.2%Shortcut0.8%45.6%Microsoft Lists1.2%39.5%Basecamp1.3%34.9%Airtable1.3%29.7%Monday.com1.4%39.9%Redmine1.8%42.5%Microsoft Planner2%51.1%YouTrack2.1%52.8%Lucid2.4%38.9%Asana2.4%44%Clickup3%58.6%Doxygen3.1%69.7%Linear3.4%58.2%Stack Overflow for Teams5.9%68%Wikis7.7%50.3%Miro10.3%45.4%Trello12.1%61.4%Azure Devops12.8%75.9%Obsidian13.4%60.7%Notion15.8%70.5%GitHub Discussions17.7%52.5%Confluence25.3%84.3%Markdown File31.6%55.4%JiraAdmiredDesired
Responses: 49,126 (75.1%)

Synchronous tools

Signal users greatly admire the tool (74% admiration score) despite its being ranked eighth on the list for synchronous tools users want to use.

Which communication tools did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Select all that apply
Desired and Admired to-do 0.2%57.1%Unify Circuit0.2%63.2%Coolfire Core0.2%38.7%Wickr0.3%37.4%Symphony0.3%35.7%Ringcentral0.3%44.8%Wire1.1%42.8%Rocketchat1.4%61.7%Zulip2.1%28.9%Cisco Webex Teams2.5%60.4%Jitsi2.9%61.8%IRC3%56.8%Mattermost4.3%71.4%Matrix4.5%33.7%Skype6.2%50.6%Google Chat10.2%74%Signal14.9%66.8%Telegram19.5%46.6%Zoom19.6%61.2%Whatsapp25.4%65.2%Google Meet27.1%48.6%Microsoft Teams29.9%70.9%Discord34.5%69.2%SlackAdmiredDesired
Responses: 55,859 (85.4%)

AI Search and Developer Tools

Most developers who use ChatGPT want to keep using it (75% Admired), while most who use Replit Ghostwrite or Tabnine are least likely to keep using it (36% Admired). If you aren't familiar with Replit, we have an interview for you to familiarize yourself.

Which AI-powered search and developer tools did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Select all that apply.
Desired and Admired to-do 0.3%46.3%Neeva AI0.3%56.6%Metaphor0.3%53.6%Andi0.4%45.4%AskCodi0.4%36.1%Replit Ghostwriter0.6%62%Lightning AI0.7%47.3%Quora Poe0.9%43.2%You.com0.9%53.3%Snyk Code1.1%49.7%Cody1.2%51.3%Whispr AI1.9%52.6%OpenAI Codex2.4%46.3%Amazon Q2.5%36.1%Tabnine2.6%59.6%Phind3.9%55.2%Meta AI4.7%62.1%Perplexity AI4.8%66.4%WolframAlpha5.4%67.3%Codeium8.2%62.8%Claude9.3%52.1%Bing AI12.2%73%Visual Studio Intellicode21.1%62.1%Google Gemini41.4%72.1%GitHub Copilot63.6%74.4%ChatGPTAdmiredDesired
Responses: 45,809 (70%)

2.3 Worked with vs. want to work with

Programming, scripting, and markup languages

Those learning to code want to try more languages next year compared to their professional counterparts. On average, each user who is learning to code wants to try 12 other languages in the next year versus users who are professional devs who want to try eight.

Which programming, scripting, and markup languages have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the language and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
All Respondents to-do Bash/Shell (all shells)CC#C++GoHTML/CSSJavaJavaScriptKotlinPHPPowerShellPythonRustSQLTypeScript
Responses: 59,429 (90.8%)
Minimum 3,000 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do Bash/Shell (all shells)CC#C++GoHTML/CSSJavaJavaScriptPHPPowerShellPythonRustSQLTypeScriptKotlin
Responses: 45,084 (68.9%)
Minimum 3,000 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do AssemblyBash/Shell (all shells)CC#C++GoHTML/CSSJavaJavaScriptKotlinLuaMATLABPHPPowerShellPythonRustSQLTypeScriptZigHaskellDartSwiftGDScriptR
Responses: 6,611 (10.1%)
Minimum 300 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do AssemblyBash/Shell (all shells)CC#C++GoHTML/CSSJavaJavaScriptLuaMATLABPHPPowerShellPythonRRustSQLTypeScriptVBAKotlinJuliaZig
Responses: 7,823 (12%)
Minimum 300 respondents per connection.


28% of PostgreSQL users would like to use Redis next year.

Which database environments have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the database and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
All Respondents to-do ElasticsearchMariaDBMicrosoft SQL ServerMongoDBMySQLPostgreSQLRedisSQLite
Responses: 49,936 (76.3%)
Minimum 3,000 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do ElasticsearchMariaDBMicrosoft SQL ServerMongoDBMySQLPostgreSQLRedisSQLite
Responses: 39,346 (60.1%)
Minimum 3,000 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do MariaDBMongoDBMySQLPostgreSQLSQLiteRedis
Responses: 4,674 (7.1%)
Minimum 300 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do ElasticsearchMariaDBMicrosoft SQL ServerMongoDBMySQLPostgreSQLRedisSQLite
Responses: 5,825 (8.9%)
Minimum 300 respondents per connection.

Cloud platforms

22% of Microsoft Azure users and 24% of AWS users would like to use Google Cloud next year. Google Cloud users would like to use tools that are lesser known next year, such as Supabase, Vercel, and Cloudflare.

Which cloud platforms have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the platform and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
All Respondents to-do Amazon Web Services (AWS)CloudflareDatabricksDigital OceanFirebaseFly.ioGoogle CloudHerokuHetznerLinodeManaged HostingMicrosoft AzureNetlifyOVHOpenShiftOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)RenderSupabaseVMwareVercelOpenStack
Responses: 45,346 (69.3%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do Amazon Web Services (AWS)CloudflareDigital OceanFirebaseFly.ioGoogle CloudHerokuHetznerLinodeManaged HostingMicrosoft AzureNetlifyOVHSupabaseVMwareVercelDatabricks
Responses: 35,852 (54.8%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do Amazon Web Services (AWS)CloudflareDigital OceanFirebaseGoogle CloudHerokuHetznerLinodeMicrosoft AzureNetlifyOVHOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)PythonAnywhereRenderSupabaseVMwareVercelFly.ioIBM Cloud Or WatsonOpenStack
Responses: 3,973 (6.1%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do Alibaba CloudAmazon Web Services (AWS)CloudflareDatabricksDigital OceanFirebaseFly.ioGoogle CloudHerokuHetznerIBM Cloud Or WatsonLinodeManaged HostingMicrosoft AzureNetlifyOVHOpenShiftOpenStackOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)PythonAnywhereRenderSupabaseVMwareVercelVultr
Responses: 5,251 (8%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.

Web frameworks and technologies

The top web framework Node.js users want to use next year is React (45%), while not many React users want to use Node.js, but would like to use Next.js (34%). Meanwhile, most Next.js users indicated the only tool they want to work with next year is Next.js.

Which web frameworks and web technologies have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the framework and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
All Respondents to-do ASP.NETASP.NET COREAngularDjangoExpressFastAPIFlaskLaravelNext.jsNode.jsReactSpring BootSvelteVue.jsWordPressjQueryBlazorNestJSHtmx
Responses: 46,781 (71.5%)
Minimum 2,000 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do ASP.NETASP.NET COREAngularDjangoExpressFastAPINext.jsNode.jsReactSpring BootVue.jsjQueryBlazorNestJSSvelte
Responses: 35,860 (54.8%)
Minimum 2,000 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do ASP.NET COREDjangoExpressFastAPIFlaskNext.jsNode.jsReactSpring BootSvelteVue.jsWordPressjQueryAngularAstroHtmx
Responses: 4,796 (7.3%)
Minimum 200 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do ASP.NETASP.NET COREAngularDjangoExpressFastAPIFlaskNext.jsNode.jsReactSvelteVue.jsWordPressjQuery
Responses: 4,933 (7.5%)
Minimum 200 respondents per connection.

Embedded Technologies

53% of users who used Arduino this year want to use Raspberry Pi next, but no Raspberry Pi users want to use Arduino next.

Which embedded systems and technologies have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the framework and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
All Respondents to-do ArduinoCMakeCargoGNU GCCLLVM's ClangMSVCNinjaPlatformIORasberry PiMeson
Responses: 27,136 (41.5%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do ArduinoCMakeCargoGNU GCCLLVM's ClangMSVCNinjaPlatformIORasberry Pi
Responses: 19,064 (29.1%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do ArduinoCMakeCargoGNU GCCLLVM's ClangMSVCMesonNinjaPlatformIORasberry Pi
Responses: 4,065 (6.2%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do ArduinoCMakeCargoGNU GCCLLVM's ClangMSVCMesonNinjaPlatformIOQMakeRasberry Pi
Responses: 3,989 (6.1%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.

Other frameworks and libraries

Developers who used Numpy or Pandas in the last year are interested in trying the most other frameworks or libraries next year: Numpy users are interested in trying 24 and Pandas users are interested in 22 next year.

Which other frameworks and libraries have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the framework and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
All Respondents to-do .NET (5+) .NET Framework (1.0 - 4.8).NET MAUIApache KafkaApache SparkCUDAElectronFlutterGTKHugging Face TransformersKerasNumpyOpenGLOpencvPandasQtRabbitMQReact NativeRoslynRuffScikit-LearnSpring FrameworkSwiftUITauriTensorFlowTidyverseTorch/PyTorchXamarinHadoopOpenCLmlflow
Responses: 44,617 (68.2%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do .NET (5+) .NET Framework (1.0 - 4.8).NET MAUIApache KafkaApache SparkCUDAElectronFlutterHugging Face TransformersKerasNumpyOpenGLOpencvPandasQtRabbitMQReact NativeRoslynRuffScikit-LearnSpring FrameworkSwiftUITauriTensorFlowTorch/PyTorchXamarin
Responses: 33,963 (51.9%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do .NET (5+) .NET Framework (1.0 - 4.8).NET MAUIApache KafkaApache SparkCUDADirectXElectronFlutterGTKHugging Face TransformersKerasNumpyOpenCLOpenGLOpencvPandasQtRabbitMQReact NativeRuffScikit-LearnSpring FrameworkSwiftUITauriTensorFlowTidyverseTorch/PyTorchHadoopJAX
Responses: 4,845 (7.4%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do .NET (5+) .NET Framework (1.0 - 4.8).NET MAUIApache KafkaApache SparkCUDADirectXElectronFlutterGTKHadoopHugging Face TransformersJAXKerasNumpyOpenCLOpenGLOpencvPandasQtRabbitMQReact NativeRoslynRuffScikit-LearnSpring FrameworkSwiftUITauriTensorFlowTidyverseTorch/PyTorchXamarinmlflow
Responses: 5,638 (8.6%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.

Other tools

Docker users, of which there are many, are interested in trying Kubernetes, Vite, Terraform, and Ansible next year.

Which developer tools for compiling, building and testing have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? (If you both worked with the technology and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.)
All Respondents to-do APTComposerDockerGradleHomebrewKubernetesMSBuildMakeMaven (build tool)NuGetPipTerraformVisual Studio SolutionViteWebpackYarnnpmpnpmAnsibleBun
Responses: 52,691 (80.5%)
Minimum 3,000 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do DockerGradleHomebrewKubernetesMSBuildMakeMaven (build tool)NuGetPipTerraformVisual Studio SolutionViteWebpackYarnnpmpnpm
Responses: 41,111 (62.8%)
Minimum 3,000 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do APTChocolateyDockerGodotGradleHomebrewMakeMaven (build tool)PacmanPipUnity 3DVisual Studio SolutionViteYarnnpmpnpmKubernetesBun
Responses: 5,423 (8.3%)
Minimum 300 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do APTAnsibleDockerGradleHomebrewKubernetesMakeMaven (build tool)NuGetPacmanPipTerraformVisual Studio SolutionViteWebpackYarnnpmPodman
Responses: 6,085 (9.3%)
Minimum 300 respondents per connection.

Integrated development environment

74% of respondents used Visual Studio Code this past year, and of those that may want to try a different IDE next year are only interested in Vim or Neovim. Vim and Neovim users are mostly interested in staying put.

Which development environments did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Please check all that apply.
All Respondents to-do Android StudioEclipseIntelliJ IDEAJupyter Notebook/JupyterLabNanoNeovimNotepad++PyCharmSublime TextVimVisual StudioVisual Studio CodeXcode
Responses: 56,703 (86.7%)
Minimum 3,000 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do Android StudioIntelliJ IDEAJupyter Notebook/JupyterLabNeovimNotepad++PyCharmVimVisual StudioVisual Studio Code
Responses: 42,719 (65.3%)
Minimum 3,000 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do Android StudioCLionEclipseIntelliJ IDEAJupyter Notebook/JupyterLabNanoNeovimNotepad++PyCharmSublime TextVSCodiumVimVisual StudioVisual Studio CodeXcode
Responses: 6,215 (9.5%)
Minimum 300 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do Android StudioEclipseIPythonIntelliJ IDEAJupyter Notebook/JupyterLabNanoNeovimNotepad++PyCharmRStudioSublime TextVSCodiumVimVisual StudioVisual Studio CodeXcode
Responses: 7,331 (11.2%)
Minimum 300 respondents per connection.

Asynchronous tools

Now that's brand loyalty: Obsidian users have no desire to try any other asynchronous tools next year, and nine different groups of asynchronous tools users would like to switch to see why next year.

Which collaborative work management and/or code documentation tools did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Select all that apply
All Respondents to-do AsanaAzure DevopsClickupConfluenceDoxygenGitHub DiscussionsJiraLinearLucidMarkdown FileMicrosoft PlannerMiroNotionObsidianRedmineStack Overflow for TeamsTrelloWikisYouTrack
Responses: 48,775 (74.5%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do AsanaAzure DevopsClickupConfluenceDoxygenGitHub DiscussionsJiraLinearLucidMarkdown FileMiroNotionObsidianRedmineStack Overflow for TeamsTrelloWikis
Responses: 39,060 (59.7%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do Azure DevopsClickupConfluenceDoxygenGitHub DiscussionsJiraMarkdown FileMiroNotionObsidianStack Overflow for TeamsTrelloWikis
Responses: 3,995 (6.1%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do AirtableAsanaAzure DevopsClickupConfluenceDoxygenGitHub DiscussionsJiraLinearLucidMarkdown FileMicrosoft ListsMicrosoft PlannerMiroMonday.comNotionObsidianRedmineStack Overflow for TeamsTrelloWikisYouTrack
Responses: 5,488 (8.4%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.

Synchronous tools

27% of Microsoft Teams users would like to use Slack next year, but the feeling is not mutual: less than 2% of Slack users reported wanting to use Microsoft Teams next year.

Which communication tools did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Select all that apply
All Respondents to-do Cisco Webex TeamsDiscordGoogle ChatGoogle MeetIRCJitsiMatrixMattermostMicrosoft TeamsSignalSkypeSlackTelegramWhatsappZoom
Responses: 55,770 (85.2%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do Cisco Webex TeamsDiscordGoogle ChatGoogle MeetIRCJitsiMatrixMattermostMicrosoft TeamsSignalSkypeSlackTelegramWhatsappZoom
Responses: 43,019 (65.7%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do Cisco Webex TeamsDiscordGoogle ChatGoogle MeetIRCJitsiMatrixMattermostMicrosoft TeamsSignalSkypeSlackTelegramWhatsappZoomZulip
Responses: 5,700 (8.7%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do Cisco Webex TeamsDiscordGoogle ChatGoogle MeetIRCJitsiMatrixMattermostMicrosoft TeamsSignalSkypeSlackTelegramWhatsappZoomZulip
Responses: 7,061 (10.8%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.

AI Search and Developer Tools

Most developers use ChatGPT of all the AI tools, and 74% want to keep using it next year. 41% of ChatGPT users want to use GitHub Copilot next year.

Which AI-powered search and developer tools did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Select all that apply.
All Respondents to-do Amazon QBing AIChatGPTClaudeCodeiumGitHub CopilotGoogle GeminiMeta AIPerplexity AIPhindTabnineVisual Studio IntellicodeWolframAlphaOpenAI Codex
Responses: 45,636 (69.7%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Professional Developers to-do Amazon QBing AIChatGPTClaudeCodeiumGitHub CopilotGoogle GeminiMeta AIPerplexity AIPhindTabnineVisual Studio IntellicodeWolframAlpha
Responses: 34,746 (53.1%)
Minimum 500 respondents per connection.
Learning to Code to-do Bing AIChatGPTClaudeCodeiumGitHub CopilotGoogle GeminiMeta AIOpenAI CodexPerplexity AIPhindQuora PoeReplit GhostwriterTabnineVisual Studio IntellicodeWhispr AIWolframAlphaYou.comAmazon QLightning AI
Responses: 5,262 (8%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.
Other Coders to-do Amazon QBing AIChatGPTClaudeCodeiumCodyGitHub CopilotGoogle GeminiMeta AIOpenAI CodexPerplexity AIPhindTabnineVisual Studio IntellicodeWolframAlphaYou.comWhispr AI
Responses: 5,619 (8.6%)
Minimum 50 respondents per connection.

2.4 Top paying technologies

Top paying technologies

Erlang developers take the top spot this year for highest reported median salary.

What is your current total annual compensation (salary, bonuses, and perks, before taxes and deductions)? Please enter a whole number in the box below, without any punctuation. If you are paid hourly, please estimate an equivalent yearly salary. If you prefer not to answer, please leave the box empty.
Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages to-do Erlang$100,636Elixir$96,000Clojure$95,541Nim$94,924Ruby$90,221Perl$90,000Scala$88,619Apex$82,500F#$80,555Lisp$80,555Groovy$79,330Go$76,433Rust$76,292Zig$75,332Bash/Shell $75,184MicroPython$75,184OCaml$75,184Swift$75,184Objective-C$73,648Crystal$73,036PowerShell$72,673Lua$72,542Fortran$70,351Cobol$70,000Julia$70,000Haskell$68,337PY$67,723Solidity$66,228C#$66,066TS$65,907Kotlin$65,815SQL$64,919C++$64,444Delphi$64,444R$64,444VBA$64,444Zephyr$64,444C$63,694JS$63,694Visual Basic $63,694Java$61,714HTML/CSS$61,485Assembly$60,834GDScript$60,684MATLAB$53,703PHP$49,586Dart$44,576Prolog$43,327Ada$42,584
Responses: 23,352 (35.7%)

Change in salaries between 2023 and 2024

Nim, Erlang, and Apex developers all saw an increase in the median reported salary in 2024. All other developer technologies reported a decrease in median salary.

What is your current total annual compensation (salary, bonuses, and perks, before taxes and deductions)? Please enter a whole number in the box below, without any punctuation. If you are paid hourly, please estimate an equivalent yearly salary. If you prefer not to answer, please leave the box empty.
NimNim No description 2023 Median yearly salary $80,0002024 Median yearly salary $94,924 ErlangErlang No description 2023 Median yearly salary $99,4922024 Median yearly salary $100,636 ApexApex No description 2023 Median yearly salary $81,5522024 Median yearly salary $82,500 ElixirElixir No description 2023 Median yearly salary $96,3812024 Median yearly salary $96,000 ClojureClojure No description 2023 Median yearly salary $96,3812024 Median yearly salary $95,541 VBAVBA No description 2023 Median yearly salary $65,6982024 Median yearly salary $64,444 Visual Basic (.Net)Visual Basic (.Net) No description 2023 Median yearly salary $65,0002024 Median yearly salary $63,694 CrystalCrystal No description 2023 Median yearly salary $77,1042024 Median yearly salary $73,036 PerlPerl No description 2023 Median yearly salary $94,5402024 Median yearly salary $90,000 JuliaJulia No description 2023 Median yearly salary $74,9632024 Median yearly salary $70,000 DelphiDelphi No description 2023 Median yearly salary $69,6082024 Median yearly salary $64,444 FortranFortran No description 2023 Median yearly salary $76,1042024 Median yearly salary $70,351 CobolCobol No description 2023 Median yearly salary $76,0002024 Median yearly salary $70,000 SoliditySolidity No description 2023 Median yearly salary $72,6562024 Median yearly salary $66,228 GroovyGroovy No description 2023 Median yearly salary $86,2712024 Median yearly salary $79,330 ScalaScala No description 2023 Median yearly salary $96,3812024 Median yearly salary $88,619 MATLABMATLAB No description 2023 Median yearly salary $61,7352024 Median yearly salary $53,703 LuaLua No description 2023 Median yearly salary $80,6902024 Median yearly salary $72,542 RubyRuby No description 2023 Median yearly salary $98,5222024 Median yearly salary $90,221 PowerShellPowerShell No description 2023 Median yearly salary $81,3112024 Median yearly salary $72,673 HTML/CSSHTML/CSS No description 2023 Median yearly salary $70,1482024 Median yearly salary $61,485 C#C# No description 2023 Median yearly salary $74,9632024 Median yearly salary $66,066 GDScriptGDScript No description 2023 Median yearly salary $69,6082024 Median yearly salary $60,684 PHPPHP No description 2023 Median yearly salary $58,8992024 Median yearly salary $49,586 SQLSQL No description 2023 Median yearly salary $74,9632024 Median yearly salary $64,919 JavaScriptJavaScript No description 2023 Median yearly salary $74,0342024 Median yearly salary $63,694 Bash/Shell (all shells)Bash/Shell (all shells) No description 2023 Median yearly salary $85,6722024 Median yearly salary $75,184 C++C++ No description 2023 Median yearly salary $74,9632024 Median yearly salary $64,444 RR No description 2023 Median yearly salary $74,9632024 Median yearly salary $64,444 PythonPython No description 2023 Median yearly salary $78,3312024 Median yearly salary $67,723 CC No description 2023 Median yearly salary $74,3512024 Median yearly salary $63,694 RustRust No description 2023 Median yearly salary $87,0122024 Median yearly salary $76,292 JavaJava No description 2023 Median yearly salary $72,7012024 Median yearly salary $61,714 TypeScriptTypeScript No description 2023 Median yearly salary $77,1042024 Median yearly salary $65,907 DartDart No description 2023 Median yearly salary $55,8622024 Median yearly salary $44,576 SwiftSwift No description 2023 Median yearly salary $86,8972024 Median yearly salary $75,184 KotlinKotlin No description 2023 Median yearly salary $78,2072024 Median yearly salary $65,815 LispLisp No description 2023 Median yearly salary $96,3812024 Median yearly salary $80,555 OCamlOCaml No description 2023 Median yearly salary $91,0262024 Median yearly salary $75,184 AssemblyAssembly No description 2023 Median yearly salary $77,0102024 Median yearly salary $60,834 GoGo No description 2023 Median yearly salary $92,7602024 Median yearly salary $76,433 Objective-CObjective-C No description 2023 Median yearly salary $90,0002024 Median yearly salary $73,648 HaskellHaskell No description 2023 Median yearly salary $85,6722024 Median yearly salary $68,337 F#F# No description 2023 Median yearly salary $99,3112024 Median yearly salary $80,555 PrologProlog No description 2023 Median yearly salary $70,0002024 Median yearly salary $43,327 ZigZig No description 2023 Median yearly salary $103,6112024 Median yearly salary $75,332 AdaAda No description 2023 Median yearly salary $71,5002024 Median yearly salary $42,584